Monday, November 7, 2011

Has ended our friendship?

I work with this girl and we get on great and we have a jokes and tex each other alot.Iv liked this girl for a while but would not do anything about it,i was their for her when she got heart broken like 5 mouths back.Till last mouth we was having lunch on monday and from no where we started talking and somehow the chat turned to what would it be like if me and you had and she said you free next monday.So then we went out on the tues,weds and the friday to get to know each other more we kissed and hugged.Then monday we meet up had lunch had a drink then we had .Over the next few days she started to tell people that we were dating witch was cool with me,we went out a few more times.Then about 2 weeks later i noticed she was hanging round her ex a little so i asked her do you still have feeling for him cos if you do i dont mind,she said no im only into you now then the next day i noticed she was off with me alot in work i asked was she ok,she said yes im just having one of those days so i gave her a hug and wished her a happy new year.That night i get a tex saying im moving things way to fast for her and she does not want a relationship right now as she still has feeling for her ex.I tryed to have a little chat alone with her saying i dont mind but the way you done it could of been better and im sorry if i hurt you or done anything wrong towards you.she said it was easy for her to tex and she only has 3 weeks left before she leave so i dont care.After this she has been snappy,rude,pushing me for a fight and trying to stir up stuff by telling her ex iv got a problem with him witch i dont.Then she texed me the other day to say iv still got your hoddie i give it you on thurs,i said thanks and im sad me and you has end like this i dont know whats the matted but i hope we can sort it.She said i dont want to say much but its all my fault im sorry i think we should not talk or even look at each other just leave me alone.I said i will honor that but then next day she comments on my facebook and jokes around and invites me to her leaveing drinks witch i thought was strange but then yesterday when she came into work with my hoddie she could not even speak to me she gave the hoddie to someone to give to me even though i was like 15 foot away.The person said this is silly to her and he has done nothing wrong to you,witch she said iv been so stressed and busy the last few weeks i will say im sorry.I still wating on that and i just dont know what to do really,i think i was used in a game to get her ex back what do you think?

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