Sunday, November 6, 2011

My boyfriend has dumped me. says i dont listen to him and is verbally abusive. what do i do? he says its over?

When my boyfriend and i first got together 6 months ago i have never been happier. he said he wanted to be with me forever and that i was the one. We met through a friend and didn't know each other that well and after only 2 weeks of speaking we started going out. It just felt right. He has this thing about listening and he is very uptight with it. Sometimes i'll interupt by accident or switch off for a split second and he yells at me and calls me names. We have sat each other down and discussed this yet he says i still dont listen to him and the reason why he shouts is because i anger him and he says he is nasty as hes angry but its only because he cares. We had one night out for my friends birthday and we both had a bit to drink. I don't even know why we argued so much but he smashed my phone up and bit me on the arm. I reacted and hit him back and also broke his phone. I think if i was sober i wouldnt of acted that way though. On holiday in June we had another row because he said i was wearing too much makeup and threw stuff round the room in front of me. At times he is the lovliest guy in the world but apparently if i dont listen he turns into this awful person. The final straw was the saturday just gone. We'd been having problems and he kept threatning to end it. Then he came home from uni in newcastle on friday to my house as it was my birthday. We went out for a meal with my family and it was lovely. Saturday morning though he turned on me saying i was wearing too much makeup again and i really didnt think i was. Then at night time before we went out for my bithday night out with all my friends he kept saying he was tired and acting like he just didnt want to go out. once we were out he met all my friends (some he has met before) but didnt really make much effort. He then had a go at me about the fact i had been mean to him earlier when we were both just having a laugh about the fact its soon his brithday and hes getting old being 22. He has friends from his home town in Leeds like me and it was one of their brithday nights out too so i agreed itd be nice to meet up. However they couldnt get into bars we could as they were all guys and we had a mixture of girls and boys. So because of that i had to change where we all went even though it was my birthday night out. He ended up having a go at me calling me names again and being so nasty resulting in me getting upset. Then he was fine again, Next bar i hugged a friend who arrived to meet us and he went mad at me and began yelling in front of everyone. some of my friends stepped in and he left me crying on my night out while he carried on with his. I went home and called him constantly begging him to come back to mine to talk but he wouldnt. Now he says its over and i do love him. but i know he has done wrong to me. Please can anyone give me some advice as to what to do? Do i ignore him? will he come crawling back? help please

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