Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do you think that the bond you have with your horse is more important that the training?

I got a six year old thoroughbred mare about six months ago. I spend hugh amounts of time just sitting in her stall or out in pasture or grooming her and just getting to know her. I ride her about three times a week..with proper warm up time and cool down time. She so good for me and she always willing to do things for me with no attuide. but at my barn there is a few riders who spend no time grooming or caring for there horses and just hop on and ride with no warm up or cool down time. Their horses are worth six thousand to eleven thousand and with upper level training but their horses are always grouchy and irritable and they misbehave constantly, my horse is green and cost way way less than that and has had basically no training. I just wondering if its because they don't spend any time because when they let me try their horses when they are gone they are a dream but I spend a lot of time grooming and caring for them. Whats your opinion?

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